An assortment of introductory ideas in probability

But what is the Central Limit Theorem?A visual introduction to one of probabilty's most important theoremsMar 14, 2023

Why π is in the normal distribution (beyond integral tricks)A classic proof explaining the pi in a Gaussian distribution, combined with a derivation of that distribution, the Herschel-Maxwell derivation, that explains why the proof is reasonable.Apr 2, 2023

Convolutions and adding random variablesHow to add random varaibles, with a focus on two distinct ways to visualize the continuous caseJun 27, 2023

Why are normal distributions "central limits"?A visual trick for computing the sum of two normally-distributed variables, and how it fits into the Central Limit TheoremJul 11, 2023

Bayes' theoremA visual way to think about Bayes' theorem, and strategies for making probability more intuitive.Dec 22, 2019

The quick proof of Bayes' theoremA short explanation of why Bayes' theorem is true, together with discussion on a common misconception in probabilityDec 22, 2019

The medical test paradox: Can redesigning Bayes rule help?Dec 22, 2020

Binomial distributions | Probabilities of probabilities, part 1The binomial distribution, introduced as setup to talk about the beta distributionMar 15, 2020

Why “probability of 0” does not mean “impossible” | Probabilities of probabilities, part 2Introduction to probability density functions.Apr 12, 2020